Thursday, October 09, 2003

From the Headlines...

Recall Fever Reaches Iowa Grade School

The successful recall of California Governor Gray Davis has inspired fourth graders in Sac City Iowa to recall their newly elected Class President. Fourth grader Mindy McDeter defeated her opponent Toby Calloway in Sac City Elementary's Student Council election early September. However, allegations of corruption by Calloway have rallied some students to demand she be ousted.

"It was just a stupid popularity contest and stuff," said Calloway, flanked by supporters who sit near him on the bus. "And she said she would get us pizza in the lunchroom twice a week. What happened with that?"

Calloway adds that McDeter has failed to be responsive to her fourth grade constituents. When queried about the pizza campaign promise, Calloway says that President McDeter rolled her eyes at him and told him to "shut up." For Calloway, it was the final straw. Calloway accused McDeter of being a "stinky fat head" and began to circulate his petition for recall.

Mindy McDeter told the school newspaper that her failure to impliment the infamous 'pizza promise' was "not [her] fault," adding that Principal Young refused to change the school menu. "They wouldn't do it," said McDeter. "I'm gonna get my mom to call."

Perhaps the most damaging allegation against McDeter is that of favoritism and corruption. Calloway alleges that one of his friends walked by the Teachers Lounge one day and saw McDeter and her council "just sitting in there drinking Coke and eating cupcakes" during a supposed meeting. "How come they get cupcakes?" he added.

"He's just mad 'cause I won," said McDeter, who believed the whole thing was nothing more than a smear campaign. When asked about the cupcake incident, McDeter accused Calloway and his friends of being "a bunch of meanies." She then told reporters that Calloway's dad was an "alcoholic", and ran into the girl's bathroom crying.

Though Calloway had said he'd refrain from further mud-slinging, when informed of McDeter's comment, he said McDeter had a "stupid butt face" and vowed to press on with the recall.

Toby's father, Derek Calloway, of Calloway Construction, could not be reached for comment.


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