Wednesday, December 03, 2003

I just came back from seeing Kill Bill with my pal Jason, where I consumed a giant movie size Coke that's got me bouncing around. I think it's made my teeth hurt... is that good? Combined with the coke I drank at work to stay awake, I'm on caffeine overload. The movie was quite an accomplishment of filmaking, but not really my thing. Uma Thurman is fun to watch, even if she was black-eyed and bloody for most of the movie. At least the movie was free since it's on the Writer's Guild free pass list.

My friend Mike Q is soon wrapping up his stay in Glendale, so we're trying to squeeze in what time we can. On Monday, we went to see the third Matrix movie. Was that unsatisfying or what? I think the guys sold out at the last minute and decided that their original trilogy wasn't going to make them enough millions, so they changed their ending which was NOT a resolution. Wasn't Neo supposed to be this messiah who would lead them all to freedom? And what was that he did exactly?

Anyway, last night Quinn and I went to Marshalls to see if I could find a nice $15 shirt. Now that I'm working at an office, it's probably not cool to wear the same thing twice in a week. Then Mike, who's furnishing his condo in St. Louis, wanted to go inside Ikea, which he'd never done before. The place was closing in ten minutes and my friend went nuts! He was running around the showrooms, flinging open cabinets, mouth agape at the price tags. "Oh my God! I'm paying $7000 for my stainless steel cabinets, when I could have these for $3000." "I have to rethink EVERYTHING!"

I enjoy seeing Los Angeles through the eyes of other people. It helps me to keep things in perspective with how good/bad I've got it here.

We've made plans for me to drop Quinn off next week so he can measure this and that, take notes, write down prices, etc. I can do some Christmas shopping or maybe even relax at home while he plays This Old House.

It is definitely the holidays... I've got three parties to hit on Saturday. Zero shopping done.

Oh well... rock on.


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