Saturday, December 13, 2003

Not a party weekend. Nope. Not one. Which is fine by me. My place is a wreck and I need to get organized for the big Xmas trip coming up one week from tomorrow.

Here's my Holiday schedule for this year. It's a general schedule, plus or minus 1 or 2 days. I've gone ahead and included some landmark days from the last couple weeks.

November 2nd: I'm in a store -- any store, even a grocery store -- and see Halloween stuff on clearance sale and Chrismas decorations appearing. I react: "Jeez! It's not even Thanksgiving yet. They just can't wait to get my money!"

November 20th: It's all about anticipation of Thanksgiving. What am I doing this year? What will I bring? There are preparations to make...

November 27th: I bask in the satisfaction of a successful Thanksgiving. Someone mentions doing Christmas shopping tomorrow. I react: "Wow, you're ambitious! That's like one of the worst shopping days of the year. No thank you."

December 7: I am stunned that it is December. It's kind of a vague hypnotic daze. And some denial. I'm not in the Christmas spirit yet, but it's time to start thinking about it.

December 13: There are lots of Christmas plans and activities. I've got a couple of holiday parties to hit. I'll be in the spirit in no time.

December 16: I have made a few calls and gotten ideas from people. It's time to start shopping, but the list is incomplete. I don't like to do things piecemeal. The shopping can wait till I talk to x, y, and z.

December 20: I suddenly realize it's the last weekend before Christmas and less than FIVE SHOPPING DAYS left!! The window for mailing stuff is only open this big and they just sold out of that thing I needed for my nephew.

December 21: Panic sets in. I rush around like a crazy person. I ask myself: How did this happen? Why do I do this every year? Why can't I learn my lesson?

And there you have it... Actually, this is my plan for next year too. It's sort of a time loop. Kind of like the movie "Groundhog Day" except for the Groundhog Day part.


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