Friday, January 16, 2004

Blogging While at Work...

Yes, before you know it, I'll have installed one of those Panic Buttons where you click and your screen immediately becomes a pie chart or something else "work looking" in case the boss comes along.

But with a 50% attendance record here in the Pasadena office, why not? My coworker Sydnee has put up a Johnny Depp poster to celebrate the absence of "the man" today.

Speaking of Johnny Depp, I learned this morning that Jack Sparrow is apparently one of the most celebrated fictional characters on the web. Who's Jack Sparrow, you ask? That's Depp's character from the Pirates of the Caribbean movie. A search of the name brings up tons of sites, including this one dedicated solely to his eye liner.

Meanwhile, Sydnee, in response to yesterday's entry, seemed to think George W's quest for Mars was simply another level of his imperialist agenda. Maybe this time there will be less insurgents and we'll finally get the Martian rose-throwing welcome we deserve.


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