Frank the Bunny Imposter?
Jack and Annette are a couple from Louisiana that I met through ebay. They're doing a trip out West this week and will be stopping in Los Angeles for a face-to-face meet. Like myself, Jack is a collector of space emblems and I'm excited for him to see my collection. I haven't bought an emblem/patch in years due to lack of funds.

This is a photo they sent me years ago. Everytime I look at this, it makes me smile... then I get a strange unsettling feeling. Something very Lynch-ian about it.
My friend Gordon came over last night just to hang out. Star Trek: First Contact was on cable so we drank beer and watched the Borg scenes, then muted the TV when they'd cut back to the boring Riker/Troi/Geordi stuff on the planet. Then Crank Yankers was on Comedy Central. What a strange/ingenius use of puppets!
While Gordon was roaming the net, he chanced upon Worster Album Covers Ever, which I hadn't seen. So that's my pick for the week.
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