Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Eye in the Sky

In just a few minutes, NASA will have a press conference to announce its “significant findings” regarding water on the planet Mars. Pretty darn exciting!

It is also a new month and I must admit a guilty pleasure... Independently, I had two people I know tell me about a website called Astrology Zone. Now, I should say that I don’t believe in horoscopes. Though my interest was piqued in college when a friend had a book from the early 70’s (old!) that described a Scorpio (me) in remarkable detail. I confess that I could not say the same when reading about the other signs.

Reading this dusty book gave me the feeling that Astrology was a lost art – a true science whose finesse had given way to the bubblegum and fast buck of the Reagan Era.

“Scorpio: Your rocky relationship will enter an exciting new Glasnost!”

Anyway, each new month I can’t help myself and I report to the Astrology Zone to read a multi-paged prediction for the “dear Scorpio.” And how can I ignore it when this astrologer targets me specifically? She says that if your birthday falls on November 7, (c’est moi) pay extra special attention to March 6, plus or minus four days!

The seeds are planted and there’s no turning back. The calendar is marked. I'm sure it will rain gold... I've never disappointed with these things.


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