Tuesday, May 11, 2004
Link of the Week
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Previous Links
- Breath Capture
- Knitted Digestive System
- Letters to Christopher Walken
- BabyCage.net
- Buffo: World's Strongest Clown
- I Love Trista
- RentMyDaughter.com
- The Brick Testament
- PhilFeezor.com
- Meet/Marry Henry
- Star Wars is Satan's Tool
- Create A South Park Character
- Iron Hymen
- Modern Drunkard Magazine
- World Jump Day
- Pop vs. Soda
- Bonsai Potato
- Stinky Meat
- Ready.gov Kids Korner
- Crash Bonsai
- Eurobad '74
- Nimoy Should Eat More Salsa
- Despair.com
- Origami Boulder
- The Hole
- We Want Your Soul
- Obi-Shawn and the H-Wing
- Babies With Beards
- My Cat Hates You
- Ninja Burger
- Worst Album Covers Ever
- Worst Album Covers II
- Museum of Bad Album Covers
- Funny Band Names
- Worst Country Song Titles

You are an EVIL person!!!! I clicked on the link and I'm addicted now!!!!!
-- Ariaya
heheh... taking care of the darn pet is the pain... I put mine in a hotel so I don't have to go buy food.
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