Tuesday, May 18, 2004

I am Consumer

What is this strange thing you Americans do?

Tonight, after a two-year absence, I proceeded to a place called Heavy Rotation in Studio City. There are these products called "compact disks"... they contain music and sometimes other surprise data.

Apparently you select what you like, then proceed to the door where it's considered customary to "buy" the items before departure.

I offered some gum and a piece of thread as barter, but nay, this was insufficient.

So I offered dollars for the exchange and we came to an agreement. I had worked for these "dollars" and gave of them freely to the merchant. The merchant will, in turn, use the currency to purchase food, or maybe illegal drugs. It matters not, so long as he rids himself of the dollars as quickly as possible in this economic version of "hot potato" you call a capitalism.

I have not had money in so long, it is foreign to me!

What is this jingle-jangle in my pocket? Wait... what is that sound coming from the CD player?

Oh no, it's Seal! What have I done?! BWAAA!!!


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