Friday, June 25, 2004

Moore Reaction

Michael Moore's Farenheit 9/11 opens today in Los Angeles after apparently breaking a few box office records in New York City. I haven't anticipated a movie opening this much since The Phantom Menace!

And I have no idea why.

What will people be saying about this film in the coming days? Will it change any voter's minds?? CNN gave it a positive review.

I was talking to someone at work about it and we decided that Bush's opponents -- the built-in audience -- will rush out and get their tickets right away. But Bush supporters will boycott the film as Hollywood liberal trash.

The only possibility... is that by next week, it becomes such a topic for water cooler discussion that the film becomes another Passion of the Christ in terms of its controversy, and people of all walks of life are drawn to their theaters.

We shall see...


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