Thursday, July 01, 2004

Bush Blog Blues

I try my best not to use this space for politics. What with there being so much out there already, I’d prefer to use this space for a laugh – even if it’s only to amuse myself.

This has been a real challenge the past couple weeks. All I really want to talk about is Fahrenheit 9/11, the upcoming election, and George W. Bush.

I am amazed at how divisive all this stuff is. In the past couple days, two friends of mine seemingly went off defending George W. in reaction to my comments. I sat stymied as they ranted.

Is this really happening? Am I having an out of body experience? What was that sci-fi term... “pod people?”

I really should bite my tongue. And this week, I’ve been holding back big time.

Like there was news that Dick Cheney said the F Word on the floor of the Senate. Did I pile on? No. But pesky Dick is relentless, and got boo’ed at the Yankee game today. My impulse was to run to the blog and link it. But I refrained..

And then someone told me to Google the words “worst President ever” and see what you get. “I won’t do it!” I said.

Why should I address the name calling and all the people who are outraged? Why should I gloat about polls?


I'm fastening my seatbelt... it's going to be a bumpy few months.


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