Wednesday, September 29, 2004

California: Schwarzenegger and Reagan, all the way!

Come Election Day, it’s a no-brainer that this state, the fifth largest economy in the world, will not go to Bush. California is indeed Kerry country. Guess that’s due to our “liberal leanings”, right? But what does that mean exactly?

No, seriously. Words like “liberal” and “left coast” – what do these phrases bring to mind?

For me, I think of draft dodgers, or perhaps a place where there is casual drug use on the streets. I think of hippies sporting peace signs, “kooky” Hare Krishnas selling flowers in the airport, gay poet coffee houses, or maybe people so devoid of morals that their “freedom of choice” battle cry is because, as lovers of casual sex, they demand their abortions the next morning. Similarly, the word “democrat” is for some reason synonymous with people having their hand out to be paid by the government.

How come I don’t see any of these things in Los Angeles? Why is it that the John Kerry supporters tend to be the most educated people? On my recent trip to Stanford University, virtually all the faculty offices had anti-Bush paraphernalia. What’s the connection between support for the Democrats and educators at one of the best universities in the world?

I’ve traveled quite a bit in this state recently and all I see are honest, hard working people who care desperately about their country, want the freedom to live their lives without interference from the government (a Republican mandate), value the beauty of their beaches and streams, and the health of their families.

That doesn’t sound too liberal at all, does it? But wait a minute!

California is a state that voted in Arnold Schwarzenegger, he’s Republican! What’s that about? In fact, I did some research, if you go back to the year 1930, you’ll find that Republican Governors outnumber Democrats 9 to 3 in this state! Where do you think Ronald Reagan got his start!

Could it be that the dirty little secret to California is that it’s not a liberal state at all? Could it be that this is a place where the majority of people see past an affiliation and vote for a good leader when they see one?

California is not a state of kooks. It’s a place with hunters, ranchers, farmers, and yes, gay poet coffee houses. With that kind of mix, we have proven ourselves party blind. I submit that California is a state that tends to judge without bias.

And as a majority, we are a state that is done with George W. Bush. That’s not liberal Democrat hooey – it’s just common sense.


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