Thursday, September 16, 2004

Post College Reality Check

I've always looked back at my college years as the time I became who I am. Because of that, I've felt a certain kinship with college students and seen them as my younger philosophical brothers. We probably share political outlooks, an open-minded spirit, a love for cool hair, and a fondness for binge drinking.

Then, this week, during my work trips to UCSF, Berkeley and Stanford, I got a good update for what college students look like.

Holy crap! What a wake up call!

Kids with high school acne, bony arms, and ladies who look like they're still in middle school! There is nothing wrong with this, of course, it just serves to remind me how much I have romanticized my own college years.

I'd still love to be shoulder to shoulder with them in class, even if I am a little greyer...


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