Thursday, September 02, 2004

Thoughtlets 3: Is it Just Me??

Every now and then, there's not enough to fill a whole blog entry -- just half-thoughts and observations.

* Note to my fellow males out there: Cologne is meant to be splashed on, not poured! If you enter a hallway and smell a man's cologne, but cannot see the man wearing it, they are wearing too much!! Is it just me?

* Is the Olympics really over?? You sure they didn't forget some events this year? Synchronized trampoline? NASCAR?

* Jake Gyllenhaal was the Bubble Boy?? Why did I not know that?

* SETI has apparently found a signal that appears intelligent. Also here.

* River Phoenix would have turned 34 a couple weeks ago. I resaw Running on Empty and had forgotten how talented this guy was. When I think about Johnny Depp's career, I can only imagine what incredible roles River would have played if he'd not lived so close to the edge.

* As polished and produced as the Democratic Convention was, I expected the Republican Convention to be doubly so. But it's not. Not nearly as slick. Is it just me?

* Finally, a google for "Is it Just Me?" didn't reveal any blog by that name that I could see. Is it just me, or would "Is it Just Me?" be a great title for a blog?

Somebody go run with that!


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