Hole in Space-Time Envelops Earth: No Turning Back

Since the 2000 election, we have been living in a tangent universe that was never supposed to happen. Our final chance to close this rip in the fabric of space has now passed.
And now, our up-is-down, logic-out-the-window path is cemented in history.
We are a nation blessed by God (as we march away from light and into darkness)…
We will endeavor to keep our country safe (while inviting our enemies to bring it on)
Afterall, freedom’s on the march (at the barrel of our guns)
As our boys fight overseas (for a man who weaseled out of it when it was his turn)…
To smite our enemies (before it occurs to them to smite us)
And wipe them from the Earth! (while we create even more enemies)
Come on, Harold, the election is over – it’s time to end the divisiveness!
I promise that this is it. When it comes to this forum, I’m done with political rants and sour grapes. I fully expect to go through all the stages of grief in the next couple months. I will be in good company in this process, but I won’t speak of it here.
Just keep in mind that the ironies listed above are real. On Election Day, our
As for me... I quake in my boots at what the future holds.
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