The Dating Game...

Friends keep asking me for an update on my dating adventures. Well, I’m pleased to say that last week I had three different dates with three different women.
Excuse me while I stop and nod smugly to myself -- ‘cause that’s easily the most macho thing I’ve ever said...
Okay, I’m back. Here’s the rundown…
I’ll call Lady #1 Academy Girl . At the end of our first date, I dropped her off and asked, “What do you think?” “Think about what?” she responded. “Think about us?” I think this direct no-games communication startled her. I am realizing my ability to communicate is a major turn-on to the ladies (a 10-year relationship had me trained in that department).
We had sushi on our 2nd date. Academy Girl is sexy. Vulnerable. I’ll see her again this Friday. She just got out of a 3-year relationship so I can’t help but think she’s looking for her rebound guy. A rebound relationship is very important, and I’m glad to fill the role.
Lady #2 was the Choreographer. We met for dinner on 3rd Street Promenade. She's a world-traveler and a feminist. I felt dating a feminist in Los Angeles was a little enigmatic – needless to say, she was interesting.
While walking and chatting, she stopped in the middle of the promenade and did a demonstration of movement analysis for me. This took probably 3 minutes, during which I held her gaze and even asked questions. She might have fallen in love with me at that moment. But when she said she’d seen one episode of Seinfeld and didn’t like it, I knew we were in trouble.
The Choreographer called me on my cel on the way home – and all I could think of was how do I get out of this conversation and remain a gentleman?? She was fascinating, but not for me.
Lady #3 is Boston Writer Girl. Very confident with an audacious personality. Our first date was at a restaurant/bar and we had an amazing chemistry. This was refreshing because I was starting to think I wasn’t capable of that anymore. During our five-hour date, I aired all my dirty laundry and we were already finishing each other’s sentences.
We had our second date last night – not quite as impressive but still worth pursuing. Some girls I work with warned me that women from the east coast will never offer to pay or go dutch. Sure enough, two restaurants and a bar tab and Boston Writer Girl never made a move for the check.
eHarmony has been great for me because I’m terrible at meeting people. And I’ve decided that dating suits me. I think everyone who’s dating should be seeing as many people as possible.
That said, if this entry suddenly disappears, you’ll know one of them has learned I’m a blogger.
Hmmm, interesting take on the East Coast Girls: I have found it to be more the case that I am deemed an anti-suffrage, 19th-century misogynist if I even entertain the thought of picking up a tab for a lady. On the first date, that is. Of course, as a rule, I don't like anyone from Boston.
Sad but true... I need to turn around the trend.
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