Revenge of the Sith: RAVE Reviews!

With Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith being out less than 24 hours, the marketing wizards plan to blitz the airwaves by showcasing the film's stellar buzz!
Here's the earliest and hottest reviews!!!
"There were some kinda good parts." -- Fort Lee Star News
"Didn't totally suck!" -- Dallas Jedi Fan Club
"Sith raises the bar, making us hate The Phantom Menace even more!" Some Newspaper in Canada
"Not bad. Jar Jar Binks only shows up like once." -- Timmy Tamlin's This is My Blog
"Remember, the last episode of Seinfeld stank too." -- Entertainment Weekly
AWESOME! I met a really hot girl while waiting in line!" -- Rolling Stone
"Oh my God! They're totally slamming the Bush Administration, aren't they!?" -- Decatur High School Young Democrats.
"I was so scared I actually pee'd myself! Wait... this isn't Revenge of the Sith, it's House of Wax. Dude... we totally went in the wrong theater!" -- Max "Banjo" Murphy, Phoenix Junior Business College
Congrats to George Lucas for making another gazillion dollars!!
it was enjoyable. it is repetetive, though, isn't it?
gah, umm... maybe!
It was much better than Episodes I and II. Still a little long in parts. But it's the first of the second trilogy I would consider seeing again... via download, of course.
I hate Star Wars, I hate George Lucas, I hate Ewoks, I hate people dressed as Ewoks....I do not hate Hayden Christensen, Liam Neeson or Ewan McGregor though!
Let's hope Lucas is put out to pasture on skywalker ranch and never heard from again.
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