Thoughtlets VIII: The New Fall Season

Every now and then, there's not enough to fill a whole blog entry -- just half-thoughts and observations. This time they're all about TV...
-- Last week, the big premiere was Lost which was as cool as I’d hoped. This show stumbled several times last year committing what I call “soap opera 101” mistakes (you can’t introduce a major plot device then not mention it for three weeks). But I can’t wait to see if this series can reveal its secrets without going the way of Twin Peaks. Is this island some kind of pocket universe, or not?!
-- While most shows are debuting, Battlestar Galactica gave us another maddening finale by reinventing a storyline from the original series. After an initially jubilant meet-up with the Battlestar Pegasus, Adama launches vipers against Admiral Cain to recover Helo and the Chief who are sentenced to die. How are we supposed to wait till January to find out what happens??!!

-- My coworker Joy and I were marveling at all the sci-fi series on the schedule this year. Invasion, Threshold, Supernatural, and Surface among others. While shows like Galactica ring of 9/11 and the war on terror, it’s hard to figure the meaning of the sudden influx of alien invasion shows.
-- The march of Arrested Development continues, at least for me personally. In the last three weeks my Season One dvd’s have helped convert 3 new fans to the show, including two at work who walk around the office doing throaty impressions of Gob.

-- I’ve been introduced to Weeds a new Showtime series about a suburban housewife who takes to selling marijuana to support her family. I hear this is the new Six Feet Under. I wouldn’t go that far, but I’ve enjoyed it quite a bit.
Unrelated comment, but: I absolutely love the title of your blog. :-)
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