Dating By the Numbers...

I'm not big on diary style entries, but it's definitely time I updated my dating drama and eHarmony adventures...
After that initial week, eHarmony has pretty much fizzled on me for new matches. Either the new ladies have shut me down immediately or I have shut them down due to lack of photos (go here for an explanation of that). But lack of new matches was actually kind of helpful since I've had my hands full...
For the last several weeks, I've been alternating dates with Academy Girl and Boston Writer Girl (a refresher on these women is here), seeing one on a Friday and the other on a Saturday for several successive weekends.
My attraction to Academy Girl has continued to escalate. There is also a nice synchronicity with her, since we have someone in common. Yes, the odds of this in LA are really amazing, but she works with my yoga teacher friend whom I met at Tassajara. In addition to that, while she and I were on a date in the Santa Monica Promenade last week, we went into Barney's Beanery to find two of my really good friends there having dinner and sat down to join them. Everytime Academy Girl would leave the table, my friends were knocking me over with how much they liked her.
Meanwhile, I've still been seeing the Boston Writer. She's excellent at movie analysis after we saw The Upside of Anger and I have no trouble talking to her about my ex-marriage. She's amazingly inciteful and sensitive and funny! She and I would flip from laughing hysterically to being intensely vulnerable, and yet, the original chemistry we had from that first date just hasn't been as intense so I've been ambivalent. And when she made me dinner a few weeks ago, I sensed ambivalence on her part as well.
I should stop a moment and tell you that Annette, my internet friend in the Louisiana bayou ran the "numbers" on both these women. That is, I gave her their exact birthdays and she wrote out a profile for each, matching it to the numbers from my own birthday. Now, this is all pretty nonsensical to me, and yet Annette's totally blind results did pretty well. And she prefaced this by reminding me about the numbers for my ex-wife, who was born on 11/11.
What do you think all those 1's mean?! she said. They mean there's no room in her life for anyone but herself!
Pretty damning testimony.
Anyway, Annette was pretty excited about Boston Writer Girl and said she was a keeper, and almost a perfect match.
She likes to travel, is concerned about others, placing others ahead of herself, well above average intelligence, is probably studious and enjoys reading.
Boston had recently returned from Asia and was schooled in Europe and graduated from Amherst.
She has a terrific personality... she is ruled by her personality and will follow its dictates.
Recall my review that she had an audacious personality. Annette was much more cautious about Academy Girl...
Handle this one with care. Those 2 "7's" make her hypersensitive. You know how sensitive you are.. this one's really bad.
I have yet to have any hypersensitive issues, at least none that trouble me.
Also questionable feelings of self worth. She's ruled COMPLETELY by her heart, loves people and is probably in a profession of service to others ie; legal aid, social work, counseling, possibly nursing.
Well, none of those specific professions...
She cries in sad movies, forms very strong emotional attachments, perhaps too easily, has a strong sex drive and bonds to her partner...don't sleep with this one unless you're ready for a serious commitment.
I also feel she's been raked over the coals and been taken advantage of. Please treat this one gently. The two of you are a lot alike which is probably why you're drawn to her...let me remind you what happened the last time. You need someone to complement you...
Recall that Academy Girl is the one who just got out of a 3 year relationship. And what Annette cautions here is something that really paralyzes me. That ultimately I will be attracted to someone who is completely wrong for me and brushing off someone who is ultimately right.
To Be Continued...
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