There ARE Good Stories in Iraq...

by Sally the cartoon Guest Blogger
Some people say that Iraq is in a civil war. They only say this because the news media only reports on the BAD things! There are lots of stories of good things happening all over Iraq. It is high time somebody talked about the new DEMOCRACY and how patriotic companies like Halliburton are rebuilding the country.
Just the other day I met and interviewed an elected official of the Iraqi Parliament. He was very nice. We spoke outside briefly before he had to go back to his office in a basement.

After that, we headed across town and watched as Iraqis and American contractors broke ground for a brand new school! Imagine the excitement the little kids will feel when they finally get to go back to the classroom after their old school got bombed several years ago!

Finally, I got to travel along with the Iraqi police on the beat! These new cops were trained by us to be the very best at keeping law and order. As they "stand up" we'll be able to "stand down" and we can finally welcome our troops home!

Until next time, this is Sally the cartoon blogger reporting,